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Drive From San Francisco to Seattle

Seattle to San Francisco Current Weather Conditions with Radar. See 12 hour weather, wind, and temperature forecast on Seattle to San Francisco.

Seattle to san Francisco Weather & Radar

wind direction Thunderstorm Heavy Thunderstorm Hail Heavy Snow Light Snow Snow Fog Heavy Rain Light Rain Rain Dust Storm temperature wind Freezing Rain Light Freezing Rain Freezing Fog Smoke Haze Light Hail
Weather on WEATHER Wind on WIND Temperature on TEMP  
Drive Weather Legend
Drive Weather Legend

About seattle-sanfran

If you’re driving from Seattle WA to San Francisco CA check the weather conditions for a safer trip. The Drive Weather map shows the next 6 hours of weather forecast, wind, temperatures and radar for the the Seattle to San Francisco drive. This road trip is 808 miles and takes about 12 hours and 30 minutes. Starting on I-5 south for 90% of the trip, then a short stint on I-505 and I-80 into San Francisco.